Street Photography
“In photography, creation is a quick business — an instant, a gush, a response — putting the camera up to the eye's line of fire, snatching with that economical little box whatever it was that surprised you, catching it in midair, without tricks, without letting it get away.” Henri Cartier-Bresson
Street Photography is one of most challenging areas of photography, but practiced by such legendary photographers as Henri Cartier- Bresson, Garry Winogrand, and Elliott Erwitt, street photography is a form of candid photography that often defies the rules of composition. Street photography is about finding order in a chaotic world. It doesn't rely on pre-visualization; quite the opposite: it’s skill is being able to anticipate action, interaction and humorous juxtapositions and capture those fleeting moments. It is about telling a story in one image.
The images were shot using either a Leica M9/M10 or Leica Monochrom with a 35mm Summicron lens. For me, the ideal kit for street photography as it is small, and discreet, and it doesn’t SHOUT – "hay, I’m photographing you", nor is it sneaky; you need to get close to your subject and not be a voyeur standing back with a large zoom lens. Robert Capa, a founder of Magnum said, “If your photographs aren’t good enough you weren’t close enough.”